The Twyford Charter for Years 7&8 13.03.2024

In February we launched the Twyford Charter for Years 7&8.

At Twyford we believe that Years 7&8 are the most wonderful and valuable time of a child’s Prep School journey.  At every point of every day we are looking for ways to develop our children; building character, broadening horizons, stretching academically. This philosophy has been the foundation of our school for years.  The Twyford Charter captures and reinforces this philosophy, offering new possibilities, eager anticipation and a growing empowerment to all.

The Charter is expressly designed to shape future leaders, flexible thinkers and dreamers.  It is our bespoke road map outlining areas of focus both inside and outside the classroom during these two formative years of rapid physical and emotional development.  It is our statement, and promise, that in these transition, preparation and orientation years we will bridge the gap between prep school and senior school so that the children are ready to go and hit the ground running for the next stage of their academic adventure.  It is the ultimate preparation for the journey ahead.

To discover more about the Twyford Charter please click here.